Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro: Memories on the Beach

It was my first Company Outing in my new job in Makati and they decided that the outing will be on the Island of Oriental Mindoro where Puerto Galera is.

It was an early morning ride from Buendia, we ride a bus going to Batangas Pier with my Officemates, The ride took some time but we arrived in the pier quite early and then we contacted and look for the other staffs, after meeting them, then we proceed to the terminal to cath a boat going to White Beach Area of Puerto Galera.

The boat ride was nice and smooth which reminds me of the time when I was still living in Palawan. it took an hour for us to arrived in the Island. But for me the experience arriving to another Island was amazing.

My first impression as an Islander arriving in another island was full of contradiction of sort. White Beach is not the same as beaches in Palawan, in such way that every Island is unique on its own beauty and mystery.

Upon arriving we registred on a tent near the ducking area of the boats, then proceed to our accommodation. We rested for a bit  and had Lunch in our Accommodation. Then we walk along the path to the beach and took some photos and had some souvenir hunting in the nearby stalls selling numerous stuffs such as key chains, magnets, huts, bages, etc.

During the Night some of my colegues had Karaoke thing and others had card games. Some of us went to the beach and see the nightlife of the Island. their are fire dancers on the beach and Alfresco Dining on the beach also.

On the second day, we planned to ride a banana boat with some of my collegues and had some good time riding it. Even I felt very fearful because I don’t know to swim in deep water, thankfully their is a life vest.

Later in the afternoon we check-out in our Accomodation and started to go the ducking area for the boat back to Batangas Pier. Then the boat ride for this time was also enjoyable for me for the good scenery. The boat went to the main town in Puerto Galera to pick up some other passengers. then after that the boat went directly to Batangas Pier.

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