Photo Diary: Albay, Philippines – Sto Domingo

From Legazpi City, I went to the Jeepney Terminal and find a Jeep that goes to Sto Domingo, I was afraid at time, knowing that it was my first time and its almost late in the afternoon which is pass 1pm already. But my eagerness desire pushed me to continue, the ride was not long. The Jeepney; stop at the Plaza which is the center of the town and at that time alot of people are around and alot of stalls around selling different things from stuffs to foods, etc. I explored area and took some photos then went to the beach. I really wanted to see the beach of this town knowing that it will be my first time seeing a black sand.

From The Plaza, I walked along the road that leads to the pier area where their is a seawall then walked along this well until I reach the end of it and asked locals on how togo to the beach and they give me direction and finally I was able to see this amazing place. I did not swim but just had my feet touch the waves on the sand. I spent some minutes their before headingback to the town and go back to Legazpi.

A Brief History of Sto Domingo, Albay

STO. DOMINGO, originally name Libog, is a former barrio of Ibalon and was established in the year 1749. This event took place through the efforts of its inhabitants under secessionist leader Don Domingo Castellanos who took up the issue authorities in Manila. The name “Libog” appears to be corruption of bicol term “Libot” meaning, roundabout. As it is, the poblcation was off the main route between the trade center towns of Tabaco and Legazpi City, but had to included in the route for trading and government purposes, thus a roundabout road had to be constructed. Source:

The Black Sand Beach of Santo Domingo, Albay

Another View of Black Sand Beach of Santo Domingo. Albay

The Pier Promenade of Santo Domingo, Albay

Monument of Potenciano V. Gregorio Sr, Located in the Plaza

Mayon Volcano, viewed from the Pier of Santo Domingo, Albay

Bonifacio Monument at Pugad Lawin Park

The Pugad Lawin Park

The Municipal Building

The Parish Church of St. Dominic de Guzman, Mt. Mayon in the Background

The Parish Church of St. Dominic de Guzman Facade


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