Photo Diary: Tay-Ay Island, Agutaya, Palawan – The Island of Colours

Tay-Ay Island is part of the Quinluban Group of Islands in the Municipality of Agutaya which is part of Palawan. To reach the Island you need to hire a boat.

It was the Summer of 2017 where we went to an island which they called Tay-Ay, I never happened to know why the Island was called such Name. As we started our journey, we see a place where the only inhabitants were goats and few huts used by the caretaker who normally went back to the nearby Island where a barangay is located.

The Island has great vistas of neighboring Islands which is part of Quinluban Group of Islands. you can also see in a far distance Mt. English which is part of the Municipality of Cuyo.

The Island has two great spots to swim, The Northern Tip and the Southern Tip, the Side of the Island is rocky and the beach is quite smaller compared to the Two Spots mentioned.


Another view Southern Tip of the Island 

Drying Tables mainly use to dry Fish or Sea Weeds

Mt. English of Manamoc Island

Mt. English as viewed from Tay-Ay Island

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