Travel Log: City Exploration – Beijing, China – Part 1

The Temple of Heaven, founded in the first half of the 15th century, is a dignified complex of fine cult buildings set in gardens and surrounded by historic pine woods. In its overall layout and that of its individual buildings, it symbolizes the relationship between earth and heaven – the human world and God’s world – which stands at the heart of Chinese cosmogony, and also the special role played by the emperors within that relationship.

After finding my hostel, I left my bag in the front desk and started to explore Beijing, I don’t really have a comprehensive itinerary nor research, to begin with, the only thing that I made is a checklist of the places that I will be visiting such as the UNESCO Sites around the City. 

My first stop for the day was to visit the Temple of Heaven in Tiantian Park, I pulled out my smartphone and look at my map, finding the nearest station from my hostel to go to Tian Tian Park,  from my Hostel I need to ride a train in Line 1 then transfer to Line 5. Inside the Beijing subway was another experiences such as buying your ticket via Machine with QR Code. then receive a receipt for it, then going to security, then finding your platform. 

It took me about 5 Minutes to arrived in the station on the east gate of Tiantian Park. Then after exiting the subway I went to find the entrance gate and look for the Ticket Booth. 

Me Walking toward the Temple

After buying the ticket I went inside. Hand Over my Ticket to the Lady in the Entrance then they check and scanned it in the Gate. After Entering I went to look for a map and captured a photo as a visual guide for the places to see inside the Complex because the place was very huge and even though its still morning a lot of people are around. Some are doing exercises, playing board games, and a marriage market sort of. I just happened to watch in a documentary Online about this thing where parents go into a park and advertise their unmarried son and daughter to find a suitable partner. It was a nice experience seeing it.

After passing the crowd I went on my way going to Temple of Good Harvest which is the landmark of the temple of Heaven. I passed the long corridor and then found the entrance, then they check again my ticket and finally I’m inside the complex. The weather was good but a bit cold when the wind blows. I looked for a place to rest and captured photos of the building and me. 

Imperial Hall of Heaven from the Stares

After some rest, I went to the backside of the temple to see the Imperial Hall of Heaven  I looked around captured some shots and went inside and then went upstairs toward the upper platform of the Temple of Good Harvest, The crowed is just beginning to start, there are local and foreign Tourist around roaming the area like me being fantasied by the architecture and Chinese art in general.

The Temple of Good Harvest from Imperial Hall of Heaven

After checking the Temple, I walk toward the facade and admired it for a bit and finally was able to see the inside of the temple. even though it was quite hard to fight a good view with a lot of crowds trying to see its interior of the Temple.

Temple of Heaven

The Temple of Heaven is a Circular Pagoda Structure where which is located in Southern Beijing, It was constructed in 1420 and extended and renovated by succeeding Dynasties. It serves as the place to do the annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for Good Harvest.

After seeing a glimpse of the inside I went to the museums located on the right side where it tells the story and restoration done and the discovery about how it was made and the materials used.

I walk outside and admired my last views of the temple, then saw a mini garden exhibition. I bought a ref magnet souvenir on a souvenir shop located in the gate, then went out toward the bridge. that leads me to The Imperial Vault of Heaven, where the echo wall is located, and a three structure can be seen inside; The main pavilion and two side buildings use for ceremony. 

The Imperial Vault of Heaven

I went first on the left side and checked the presentation on what is the usage of the building before. then follow the queue of people going upstairs to check the inside of the main pavilion.

Inside the Imperial Vault of Heaven

The Imperial Vault of Heaven is a circular structure with a single-eave pyramid roof that is covered with blue glazed tiles and topped by a gilded ball. Standing on a 2.85-meter-high round marble terrace, it is 19.5 meters in height and 15.6 meters in diameter. It was used to house the tablets of the God of Heaven and the emperor’s ancestors after the heaven worshiping ceremonies.

The Whole Complex is inclosed with Walls which is called Echo Wall which enables a whisper to travel clearly from one end to the other, hence the name.

The Way to Circular Mound Altar

I went out of the complex and went to Circular mound, This altar was also built for religious purposes, especially for ceremonies to pray for rain by the emperor in times of drought. After exploring this mound I took some good shots of the Gate. before I went inside the circular mound. 

Lingxing gates

Inclosing the Circular Mound Altar is the White Marble Walls which forms as a monumental archways. and  The outer and inner surrounding walls of the Circular Mound are pierced with four groups of gates, each group with three gates. There are eight groups of Lingxing gates known as “the Cloud Gates Forming a Jade Forest.”

Moon Gate at Temple of Heaven

After admiring its character and aesthetic,  I go out of the complex and looked at my map and find a path that will lead me to other point of interest around the complex.  I went to the left side of the complex than found a Moon Gate, which is a circular opening in a garden and serves as a traditional element in Chinese gardens. I passed by some Buildings but unfortunately, they were closed already, so I walked around admiring the cool air.

I rested for a while looking at the tree-lined walkway in my front, it was already late autumn here in Beijing, leaves are already falling and the gingkoes are in Yellow Colors. I admired and walk along feel my first autumn in East Asia.

Seven Star Stones

I reached the bridge and cross it over and went back to the east gate, I passed some Buildings along the way and finally see the crowds of people chatting in groups and another playing board games, Then I was able to stopover I see the interesting Stones which is called Seven Star Stones. These stones symbolizes the seven peaks of the Taishan Mountains. then went to the exit where I entered. Then the next is The Forbidden City. IT was already 12PM. Along and early walk and experience about Chinese culture.


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