Travel Log: My First Overseas Travel – The Flight from Manila to Ho Chi Minh

Traveling overseas was just a dream for me after graduation and got my first job. But things started to change when I left my home in 2015 and began to Work in Manila, I got my 2nd job in a dental supplier company based in Makati then after months left this job and find a job that can give me enough funds to travel abroad. And my Overseas Story begins here after getting my Passport.

I applied for my Passport in Puerto Princesa after a month of long wait I finally got it from the mail then after getting it, I bought a ticket for my first overseas flight which I booked in August. Enough time to plan and think about where to go. It took me several weeks or months to finally planned my first route overseas, so I decided to do multiple countries to have a taste of what these countries are all about. My first flight was Manila to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, then go overland to Phnom Penh then Siem Reap, Fly again to Kuala Lumpur, then fly to Singapore and the last leg was to Thailand after that is going back home. It was a remarkable journey from the planning stage, such as itinerary, budget, negative thinking, among others. I also search on how to pass the Immigration not to be offloaded. Before my departure, I step by step, I started to book cheap flights then hostel Accommodation.

And finally, after months of planning my, first flight was on an,d I’m ready to face it. My flight to Ho Chi Minh City via Cebu Pacific was scheduled late at Night, After doing some final preparation and meeting a friend I went to the airport very early for me to do the check-in and finally solved the problem that may arise during the immigration interview.

After Check-In and paid the Travel Tax, I proceed to exchange some of my pesos to USD as my base currency for the trip. I filled up the immigration card, proceed to the Immigration counter, where I queue for the interview with the officer before they stamped my passport. for the interview, I was quite afraid knowing that this was my first-time bu,t I successfully answer all the questions given. then finally, I was off to the final security screening where all my belongings were scanned in Xray scanner. And by the way, I travel light, all are hand carry. Just praying it will not exceed in the allowable limit. For the Immigration Interview, the officer just ask me where I will be staying? who is my travelling companion? How I fund my travel?, Is this your first time travelling overseas? and what is my work? those are the question that I remembered at that time.

After the final screening, I search for my gate and explore the terminal for a bit, I had some dinner in a restaurant. then went back to the gate and waited for hours. And during that time I go,t an email from my Hostel that they can’t pick-up due to an unavailable driver at that time so they, suggested me to just hire a taxi going there. I was nervous but feel relieved knowing that I will not wait for nothing.

It was a very late flight which, will depart at 10:00PM and will arrive in Ho Chi Minh at 1:30AM local time.

After waiting for the Gates to Open and the Boarding has started and finally, I was already queuing, give my boarding pass to the agent before entering the walkway to the bridge that will lead me to the Airplane.

I waited in the Gates Area to Open, after minutes of Open the Cabin Crew arrived and entered the Gate then the Ground Crew announce the Boarding procedures. And finally, it was opened. I queued and waited in the line, then they check my boarding pass, and eventually, I was walking in the walkway going to the bridge that will lead me to the Airplane.

My feeling was mixed, I feel very excited and happy about this but still bit afraid of the things that might happen to me abroad such as being scammed or accident.

After entering the Plane, I was greeted by the Cabin Crew, and they check again my boarding pass. I walked along the aisle, finding my seat. Then after seating, I bucked u,p then waited for the plane to depart. Even though its already night I felt very alive and happy about this experience that I had. And then, after the routine procedure in the airlines such as safety protocols being discussed by the cabin crew, the plane went to the primary runway, preparing to depart to our destination.

The plane went faster and faster until it lifts off from the ground and the las,t thing I know we are already flying above the lights of Manila seeing the vast lights that it glitters in the sky. The lights inside the plane were turned off and the Pilot announcement has commence. One of thing I remember is that to admire the lights of Manila from above the dark sky. I never had time to capture this lights by my camera, but my memory and senses still remember it.

During the flight I never had asleep, thinking about everything the endless possiblilites that might happen. Until the lights turn off, and the passengers were allowed to unbuckled their seat belt. Then the cabin crew started to give prepaid meals and sell some snacks, then sell merchandise, then handed over the arrival immigration card, then the lights went out until we reach our destination.

After hours of waiting in my seat just seeing the dark sky, I noticed the lights below from my window it looks like cities, boat, etc. Until finally the lights went On and the Pilot annouce our arrival time and the cabin crew check all the arrival procedure such as open windows, seat be upright then all should buckle up. Then 1. 2. 3. Finaly the Plane has landed.

It was a long flight of about 3 hours from Manila. Tan Son Nhat International Airport was the name of the Airport and it was a big one , and the first international Airport I visited.

After exiting the Plane I follow the flow of , the crowd knowing that the nex,t step is Immigration. I compiled my documents such as Accommodation documents, itinerary, and checked my Arrival Card if all necessary information was correctly written. it was a tiring night and my only goal was to go to my hostel and have some rest.

At the Immigration counter, I give my Passport, Boarding Pass and Accommodation Confirmation.

Then the officer stamped my passport, no questions were asked.  Then Stamped my Passport with green color pigment showing my arrival date and the maximum number of days allowed in Staying in Vietnam, the mode of transportation, which is a cute airplane logo on the stamp.

After passing the final screening, I went to a Foreign Exchange Counter to exchange USD 100.00 to Vietnamese Dong.

The airport was dead at that time. The only people you can see are the employees, the concessionaire,s, and the well-wishers outside waiting for the passengers. After exchanging my money to local currency, I went to a Taxi Booth; I give the address of my hostel then paid the ticket, and finally, I’m off to my Accommodation for the night and just admiring the Night street view of Ho Chi Minh.

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