Travel Log: Day 4: City Exploration, Seoul, South Korea

The last day of My South Korea Trip in Seoul and I realized that I will definitely come back and explore other interesting places and immersed in its culture again.

For the day, I just planned to explore some landmarks, which are Deoksugung Palace, Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty in Seonjeongneung Site, and Starfield Library. And will have my late dinner at  Myeongdong Area before heading back to my hostel for my early flight tomorrow.

After preparing my stuff for the day, I went out the hostel and went to the nearest subway station, I reloaded my card with KRW 1000.00 for the day of exploration. I entered the subway and I’m heading to the City Hall Station where the Deoksugung Palace is located. From there I went to the exit look at the map then find the entrance of the Palace, Luckily I was very early, And I was able to see the changing of the Guards Ceremony where I watched the event. The ceremony was fascinating in the sense that they had colorful costumes, and the sound of the drums can be heard, including the commanding voices of the guards marching switching places. It was an experience truly in South Korea. I happen to took some shots and do some video recording of it.

After the Changing of the Guards, I went inside, showed my Ticket in the entrance and walked toward the Palace but for a bit, I went to a nearby bench and just had some rest and watch passersby and just admiring the view of the massive gate in front of me as the Autumn Wind touches my skin. After admiring the view, I went inside the gate and had a great vast view of the main pavilion of the Palace, which has the same layout as other palaces. then walked along the main walkway that will lead me inside the Pavillion where the a throne is located. The inside was massive and very colorful with flower motifs and the dragon from the wall to the ceiling is richly decorated.

I had some minutes admiring it and after that, I went outside explore the other buildings and was amazed how the whole complex has mixed architecture from traditional Korean buildings to western-inspired pavilions and structures which unlike the other Four Palaces is mostly in Korean Architecture. One of the Unique buildings located in the complex is the Seokjojeon with its western-style garden. I was unable to visit the inside because you still need an online reservation so I just admired the building outside and the Garden Outside. Some of the features of the Garden are Fountains and Sundial.

After exploring the Palace its already lunchtime, so I decided to have a stop Over in Myeongdong to have Lunch before heading to my next stop which is located in Gangman-Gu Area. I had my lunch at Myeongdong Kyoja, I ordered kalguksu (noodle soup), then had an unlimited sidedish of Spicy Kimche. The food was excellent, and you can use ea,t even you alone. And Lucky It was lunchtime so a lot of people are also eating inside.

I had a heavy lunch at Myeondong so I walked for a bit in the area visit the Tourist Center to find some souvenir. then find the subway going to Gangman-Gu Area, and the journey was very far. I had to transfer to several lines before reaching the station. After reaching the Seolleung Station. I looked at my map and find the exit, the walk was quite far because the entrance of the park is located on the other side of the station. But luckily the weather was good. But felt that I had sunburned my lips due to the cold weather.

I walked along the sidewalk for several minutes before reaching the Main Gate where I bought my Ticket. It is truly fascinating that you can transact in Seoul without carrying cash like everything is accepting credit cards or other means of online payments.

After buying the ticket I went inside the Park and it was huge in the sense that you need a map to explore the area. The Site has two tombs, One is for King Jungjong, and the other one for  King Seongjong. I first visited the Tomb of King Jungjong which is the 11th king of Joseon. Located near the eastern part of the Park and much closer to the entrance.

After walking I was able to see the huge Hill which is the main tomb of the late king, I just entered in the side area that leads me to the Pavillion where ceremonies are made then I walked the main stone pathway to see the arch Gate called Hongsalmun with two red cylindrical pillars on both sides.

I took some photos and self-portraits below the arch before heading to the Tomb of King Seongjong.

The King Seongjong Tomb is similar design and motifs with the Tomb of King Jungjong.  It has also small pavillions use for the ceremony and the Hongsalmun. The UNESCO Marker can be located in this area. I walked along the main path that leads me to the Pavillion which directly facing the Tomb. Then I exited to the other side went, then followed, the trail going the Tomb of his wife which is adjacent to the tomb. The Top of the Hills are statues of animals and peoples.

After exploring the whole complex I went back to the station to visit the Starfield Library located inside the Mall in Gangnam-Gu Area.

For the whole duration of my trip, this was the first time, I entered a shopping complex just to visit this Library which famous in Social Media because of its modern architecture and very different design compared with the traditional Library. Interestingly there is also an exhibition in the main ground of the library showing arts made by Koreans.

Then went to find my way back to Myeondong for my last night walk. For Dinner I just planned to taste a lot of different food being sold in the stalls along the road before heading back to my hostel.

One response to “Travel Log: Day 4: City Exploration, Seoul, South Korea

  1. Pingback: Photo Diary: World Heritage Sites in Seoul, South Korea | Viajero·

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