Travel Log: Day 1: City Exploration, Osaka, Japan

After Shower, I pack my Exploration Bag and my gears, and finally, I was ready to explore Osaka, the largest city in the Kansai Region. With this, I looked at my map and walked towards the nearest metro station. The Weather is much pleasant than in Seoul, where the breeze is frigid that causes my lips to dry.

I walked and transferred to the train line that will bring me to Osaka Castle, which is one of the significant landmarks of the City. The Castle quite a on top of the hill. from Morinomiya Station, I walked towards the vicinity of the castle, Located on top of the hill overlooking the city. There were a lot of people enjoying the park’s amenities. There are also some establishments inside the park, such as restaurants and cafes.

I walked the paved path then, turn left climbed some stairs, and walked along the road that encircles the moat of the palace. I walked around admiring the tall walls and deep Moat System that protects it. It was a quite long walk but enjoyable with good weather.

I reach the bridge which crosses the moat that will lead me to the  Castle, but before I went inside, I walk for a bit along the road and find some spots where I can take some photos of the Castle and also do some self-portrait of me with the castle as a background. After capturing some souvenir shots, I cross the Bridge and walked the stairs that lead me to the palace. When I arrived, the castle is already closed so I, just admired it from outside with its unique architecture motifs such as fish decorations on the roof. There is also an elevator outside that can be used by the visitors. After admiring the building, I explore some spots around, such as Miraiza Plaza, which is an old western building converted to a Food Court where you can taste some authentic Japanese food.

After the Miraiza Building, I went to see the Time Capsule buried during the Expo’70 held in Osaka. Then I went to the nearby pond to capture some Photos of Osaka Castle. The whole spot is littered with Local and Foreign Tourists roaming around taking photos. After some stroll approximately, I walked toward a vending machine to buy some drinks and rested on a nearby bench.

After resting a bit, I walked back towards the Morinoyama Station, I traced back my steps and see some spots that I skip during my walk going to the castle. I planned to walk around the moat but did not have enough time, but maybe next time when I can back, I might be able to do so.

From Morinoyama Station, I ride, train to go to the southern part of Osaka to visit the Shinsekai Area to see its unique Streetscape and the Tsutenkaku Tower said to be the Eiffel Tower of Osaka. From the Station, I walked toward the south, but after checking my map, I was in the wrong direction, so I traced back, and finally, after crossing the street, I was in the right direction. The Station where I came out is quite far from the Attractions of Shinsekai so I walked and walked until I reach the street that leads me to the tower.

I looked to my map and turned left towards a street with colorful decorations outside of the buildings. Finally, at last, I was in the area where your eyes will be delighted with all the explosion of designs such as pufferfish lanterns, Takoyaki Lanterns, among others. I took some interesting photos and walked the main road that will lead me to Tsutenkaku Tower. I did not go inside and just admired it outside with its stunning modern architecture and the colorful streets of Shinsekai. I bought some Takoyaki in a nearby shop which is selling it by their window. It was my first Takuyaki experience in my life, and it was so good even though its hot that burned my tongue for a while.

After having some snacks that became my dinner because the serving was so enough that made my stomach full. Then after exploring the colorful street, I headed back and went to a nearby department store and bought some Memory Card for my Camera. Inside the shop was an experience to its own. It has a lot of everything that you might get lost finding the Item that. And then after buying it I walked back and interestingly the entrance of the subway station was just in front of the building, so I went down and go to my last destination,n which is Dotonbori with its famous nightlife.

After arriving in the Namba Station, I looked for the nearest exit going to dotonbori, which is along the main street from there. I walked straight until I reach the River, and finally, I was there.

It was an exciting area, and a lot of people heading to the bar or restaurant it is truly the nightlife district of Osaka with its unique building designs and striking lights along the canal. From the bridge, I walked toward the boardwalk, which is along the canal. There are river tours along the canal but did not plan to do it because those are not my thing. I walked along and see a lot of interesting stuff to do. Just admire the lights of the building the crowd of people going everywhere, buying stuff, eating, long queue lines of costumer waiting their time to enter a shop. There’s also a building with a Ferris wheel on its facade. It was an interesting sight to see and be immersed in its atmosphere.

I walked on the right side, going north and cross the river to go back on the left side of the bank. then I stopped in a nearby bridged and did some timelapse of the place as my ultimate souvenir of the experience I had.

I went to the famous part of the Canal, which is the Glico Sign of a man running. After being immersed in the atmosphere of the area, I walked to another street, which is just parallel with the canal and saw some interesting shop design similar to the one in the Shinsekai Area minus the crowd of people. I had some snacks hopping again from Gyusa to Okonomiyaki. I also did some souvenir hunting and was able to buy some ref magnet for my collections.

I also planned to buy some Tokyo Olympics Souvenir Item in a Starbucks store but quite hesitant due to being expensive, so with this, I become contented looking at them from afar.

The night is still beginning for some, but for me, I need to rest and re-charged for my day trip tomorrow to Narra. And I planned to ride the earliest train I could get so I can fully spend and visit the sights that I planned.

From Dotonburi, I re-traced my steps going to the Subway Station and head back to my hostel. The streets going to my hostel from the subway were quite already, and shops are closing already, and the streets are becoming deserted; only 24-hour shops are open such as Family mart. I just walked along the road toward the hostel and just imagining that I was in an Anime Film because of the setting, which I normally see in Anime or JDrama Films that I’m watching. I buy some drinks before heading inside the hostel.

Before I went to sleep I checked all my belongings and had some final preparation for tomorrow, I re-charged my batteries, Write some notes and expenses for the day and budgeting. I had some showers before going to bed and finally sleep for another day of exploration.

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