Travel Log: Flight Experience with Philippine Airlines, MNL-BKK

Finally, I’m aboard the plane and can’t imagine that finally, after planning and booking flights and accommodation and researched, Im on my way to India. The Thrills and happiness engulfed me at that time—new Experiences and Sights from Books to reality.

And one Experience that I had was my first International Flight with Philippine Airlines, which is I believe the only Full-Service Carrier in the Philippines and with this they offer many offerings which is part of the ticket that I bought such as Free Meals and Different type of Classes such as Business, Premium, and Economy.

As I recall, this is the second International Airline that I ride in the same Category. The 1st was Nippoys Airways during my Tokyo Trip last November 2019. And I can’t compare them because I still prepare for the ANA Experience.

The flight was delay for quite some time on the tarmac before taking-Off. It was already dark outside, and the flight time would take an hour to BKK Airport. Philippine is ahead of 1 hour from Bangkok, so I adjusted my Clock.

After Safety procedures and then the plane took Off. After minutes when the aircraft was already stable in the air, the Stewardess started to distribute the meals around for dinner; I had some chicken curry. I choose white wine for the beverage because I love to indulge myself for once, like the thing I can call “Feeling Rich.”

The meal has rice and chicken curry, dessert, ice cream, and a bun with butter on the side. It was pretty fancy for me, but the drawback is that it is in a cheap presentation with plastic cutlery.

After dinner, the Lights turned Off. And for a while, I just rested on my seat and just looking at the dark sky by my window.

The Comfort Room, located at the back, was clean and tidy with some amenities inside, such as lotion and perfume. I just tried it for the Experience because it might be my last time doing it.

Then they distribute the arrival cards, which will be a surrender in Bangkok Immigration. There is also a health check card where you will answer if you have ever been in China for the past 14 days and whether you have symptoms of COVID19.

Then the Captain announced the arrival Time, and finally, I was in Bangkok again; the last time I been in Bangkok was in 2018 November as my transit point back to the Philippines from Myanmar. And I can say this is the Beginning of my Namaste India.

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