Travel Log: Day 1, Hostel Food Feast in New Delhi, India

My first day in New Delhi was promising, buying train tickets and visiting the Gurudwara, and to the cap, the day is a Street Food feast on the rooftop of our Hostel with a bonfire.

We went back to the Hostel via Metro, which is just a few stops from Connaught Place. And the Rush Hour is starting to build up.

In the Hostel, I rested for a bit and had my second shower for the day, which is very refreshing. The Feast will start at 7 PM, so I rested for a bit and asked Stephane if we could go together on the Roof Top.

While resting on my bed, I overheard a voice talking in Tagalog about his journey from the Airport to Hostel. It was a Girl, and I was amazed that a Solo Filipina was also traveling; I did not imminently introduce myself, but instead, I just ignored it. It was knowing that we might meet again.

At 6:45 PM, we climbed upstairs and looked for a seat; the organizers were still fixing chairs and the food. Then, for a bit, I explored the rooftop of the Hostel, which is not quite promising as Imagine.

After roaming around, I sat on the couch with Stephanie and Ahmed, waiting for the other travelers and guests of the Hostel.

As time went by, people started to come and looked for a place to wait, and some started conversations about their travels.

Then suddenly, a Swedish Guy asked questions, and his name was Alex, an adorable guy asking where I was from and hearing that I’m from the Philippines. He told me that another Filipino in the Hostel arrived today, which I was happy to know. And that Filipina is Colleen, who is already residing in the USA. He told me that the Girl was also traveling alone.

 Then when she arrived, we introduced ourselves to each other, and it was fun talking in the Tagalog Language. It’s pretty amusing that Foreigners around do not understand us. And She looked like a Filipino.

The night was enjoyable; we had Beers care of Alex. I had One beer until Colleen Offered her unfinished Drink, and I did not feel drunk. Everything was fun, and Everyone was talking to each other about the travels they had around India and sharing stories and tips about how to enjoy and experience this country. Some are joking that we are here in India, and the world is busy with the COVID19; the facemask is nonexistent and social distancing is unheard. Stephane is talking in French with some ladies and Me and Colleen in Tagalog.

The Street Food was a feast with the variety of food items offered, I was able to taste alot such as Samosa, Dani Puri, Chhole Bhature, etc.

The food was a mix of species and tastes that was very good and satisfying. I eat a lot, and after the Feast, I was full already and hoping that I would not get diarrhea which is typical for foreigners who eat street food. However, the organizers say that the food they served was safe and clean and will not cause stomach problems. The Feast cost 300.00 Rupees, and it’s good for money already, especially if you eat a lot. And generally speaking, India was a cheap country to visit.

Then the party started, they Started smoking Shisha, and Stephane tried it for the first time, and I think he liked it. So then Music was turned On, and they began to teach Indian people dance which is quite entertaining, and then they encouraged everyone to dance, but for Colleen, we just enjoyed watching them.

Colleen and I talked about travel stories and her life in the Philippines, which was excellent, and her Love life during the Travels was hilarious and entertaining. The temperature goes down as the night falls. Then Colleen and I went back to our dorm for early rest. And good enough, we are just bedmates. We left Stephane and Alex. My plan for tomorrow is to join a Tour Hosted by the HostelHostel in Old Delhi and a dinner at Karim’s.

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