Travel Log: 30 Year of Existence, Cuyo, Palawan

Life is truly meaningful and sometimes I always thought that everything was fine and simple yet struggles will always be there that will add spice and break my daily routine.

It’s almost 2 years since I post my article about my life reaching 28th which is the 28th of 28th for February. I have to thank and think about whether it was still worth it to be alive and be happy again.

But at 30 and as I reviewed everything that I’ve done and I’ve made a lot of things that bothers me sometimes whether I made the right choice and if I was willing to accept the outcome that I made and done. I was lost again thinking about what will be the next step as everything I know and I felt shattered due to some misunderstanding just me overthinking things that I was just too curious about what life brings me.

At 30 I made a lot of achievements and accomplished some of my Bucket lists, I visited almost 23 Countries and I was lucky to experience Europe and Stayed and visited almost 10 Aman Properties from Asia to Europe. The Energy that Travels brings me a lot of life and finding my worth but still there’s missing something that I’m hoping to reach in the coming days and years.

On my 29th Birthday last 2022, I was lucky to achieve some of my life goals, Since the Pandemic restrictions are easing. I embarked to accomplish one of my goals which is to visit Europe before turning 30. And it was a journey of ups and downs. My first step is applying for a Schengen Visa which requires a lot of time getting and providing documents that will prove that I’m capable of traveling Europe and will return before my Visa Expires. I first applied to the Embassy of France but I was not approved my will power does not end, I applied next again via Norway Embassy as my main destination was Iceland and it was approved but my planned trip was canceled as my Schedule of Travel was changed, and again on the 3rd Time Applied via Embassy of Netherlands and Thankfully for the 2nd time I was approved with a 30 day validity and as it goes, I Booked my flight with Emirates and revised my itinerary to fit on my 18th Day Journey with a lay-over trip around Dubai.

The journey was one of the best decisions I made as places that I once dreamed of became reality, I gamble my savings just to see those places from the Canals of Amsterdam and Venice, the Spires of Churches in Prague, UNESCO World Heritage Sites from Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Czechia, Austria, and Italy. I send almost Php200K. But it was one of the best spends I made.

But before reaching Europe in November, I had some week vacations such as Spending a lot of time at Home in February, while applying for Schengen Visa and when I was denied a trip in May, I went instead to Indonesia and Singapore, I was able to see the Jewel of Changi and then stay in Amankila and visit Bali. Spending almost a week touring the Island of Gods like the book Eat, Pray and Love but I did not find love just me, seeking my inner self and thanking God how lucky I am to travel again. My last stint of Vacation before November was in September, Where I climbed the Highest Mountain in Mindanao and in the Philippines which is Mt. Apo. It was a day of hiking and camping. And I meet a lot of people and hopefully made some friends after that I join them on a Beach Trip to Dalahican Beach, Mati in Davao del Sur.

Even though everything was perfect as what I see in my mind, there’s will always some tragedy that hit me such as being too Close to an associate that might cause his depression and eventually resignation which a turning point for me in a way that I feel I was too much in seeking my happiness that resulted in someone’s anxiety which made me rethink again myself.

2022 Ended with a bang with new people again in my life and moving on from the Tragedy of August also I tested positive for Antigen for the Months of January and September. The Year was amazing and I was believing of happy 2023.
2023 for me was promising as I got my Passport with an Approved Egypt Tourist Visa but I was not able to go to this place as I opted to choose Japan due to expensive tickets during that time.

Before my birthday, I visited Japan again which is the 3rd time, and finally enjoyed the snow season in Shirakawa-go, Kyoto, and Kanazawa. Everything was fine and yet another set of tragedies and rejections again. First was my denied Visa Application for Canada and then Ruined Friendship that I thought would last and might be the reason for its downfall.

But still, even though a lot of negative things happen, I’m optimistic and look back on the things that I lost choosing people instead of pursuing things that matter. Like these Travel Logs from my travels and My passion for Photography during my alone time.
I can say that I’m sorry for all the actions that I’ve done and thanks for all the life lessons that thought me. No one will care for me, just only I will be.

In the five years to come before reaching 35, I still believe to accomplished visiting seven continents and working overseas and exploring more, paying all my outstanding debts, and meet a friend that will always be there in my ups and downs.

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